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 Memorable date for SHE - 8th anniversary

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Memorable date for SHE - 8th anniversary Empty
PostSubject: Memorable date for SHE - 8th anniversary   Memorable date for SHE - 8th anniversary EmptyThu Sep 24, 2009 5:45 pm

11/09/09 Memorable date for SHE - 8th anniversary
Translated by : Stephy Wephy @ http://asianfanatics.net

Source : http://ol.mingpao.com/cfm/star5.cfm?File=20090923/saa03/mze1.txt

11th September 2009 is S.H.E’s 8th anniversary. It is indeed not an easy task for 3 young ladies to survive in a complicated entertainment industry for 8 years.

11 September 2009 adalah hari ulang tahun S.H.E yg ke 8, dan tidaklah mudah bagi 3 orang gadis muda untuk bertahan di dunia entertainment yg rumit selama 8 tahun.

Today Selina, Hebe and Ella would share with us their love, care and affection for each other.
8 years ago, on 11th September was indeed a very important and special date for 3 young girls; Selina, Hebe & Ella. The 3 of them were grouped together to form SHE; making their debut in Taiwan.

Hari ini, Selina, Hebe, dan Ella akan berbagi dgn kita mengenai cinta, perhatian, dan kekaguman merea terhadap satu sama lain. 8 tahun yg lalu, 11 September merupakan hari yg sangat penting dan spesial untuk 3 orang gadis, Selina, Hebe, dan Ella. Ketiganya dipersatukan dalam 1 group bernama S.H.E; membuat debut di Taiwan.

In order to remember this memorable date, SHE decided to celebrate with the fans around the world by holding their world concert - [S.H.E. Is The One World Tour]. The first leg of the concert would be held Hong Kong on the 16th of October. Hence, Hong Kong fans would be the luckiest because they will be the first batch to celebrate with them. The theme of the concert is [Love Is The One] which is somehow related to SHE’s love for each other.
Untuk memperingati hari spesial ini, S.H.E memutuskan untuk merayakannya bersama para fans di seluruh dunia dengan cara menyelenggarakan wolrd tour concert - [S.H.E Is The One Wprld Tour]. Konser pertama akan diadakan di HongKong pada tgl 16 October. Karenai tu, fans2 HongKong adlh yg paling beruntung karena mereka yg mendapat kesempatan merayakan pertama kali. Tema konser ini adalah [Love Is The One], yg juga berhubungan dgn cinta S.H.E terhadap satu sama lain.

“Because of love we are together and the passion of singing... our love from 8 years ago is getting deeper and deeper... and because of fans’ love, this concert exist”
"Karena adanya cinta, kami bisa bersama2 dan terus bernyanyi... cinta kami dari 8 tahun yang lalu semakin dalam dan dalam... dan karena cinta dari para fans, konser ini bisa terjadi"

A gift from God – We’ll treasure it

Tomboyish Ella brings the warm and happy-go-lucky feel while Selina is the typical long hair princess and finally Hebe is the pretty but a bit too cool. 3 people with different personalities being able to stay together for 8 years is indeed not an easy task. When asked to talk about each other, Ella the first to reply,
“In our hearts, we only remember the good about each other. We’ve been together for 8 years; hence, if there is anything that we don’t like about each other, we wouldn’t have stayed together for so long. No one is perfect. Of course, we do have different opinions at times. However, in order to live together happily, we need to forgive and be considerate. Being able to stay together for so long is indeed a gift from God. We will treasure this!”

Ella yg tomboy membawa kehangatan dan perasaan senang, Selina adalah tipikal putri berambut panjang, dan Hebe adalah si cantik yang cool. 3 orang dengan kepribadian yang berbeda bisa bersama2 selama 8 tahun bukanlah suatu hal yg mudah. Ketika diminta untuk berbicara mengenai satu sama lain, Ella adalah yg pertama menjawab,
"Dalam hati kami, kami hanya mengingat hal2 baik tentang satu sama lain. Kami sudah bersama2 selama 8 tahun; karena itu, jika ada hal yg tidak kami sukai mengenai yg lain, kami tidak akan bertahan bersama2 selama ini. Tidak ada orang yg sempurna. Tentu saja, kami pernah berbeda pendapat beberapa kali. Akan tetapi, untuk bisa hidup bersama dengan senang, kami perlu memaafkan dan bertoleransi. Bisa bersama2 untuk waktu yg lama seperti ini adalah karunia dari Tuhan. Kami akan menghargainya!"

Selina’s influence on Hebe

Selina said that, Ella is a person filled with enthusiasm and generous, so she is close to a lot of people. Hebe is charm, mysterious, she is so special.

Selina berkata, Ella adalah seseorang yg antusias dan baik, karena itu dia dekat ke semua orang. Hebe sangat menarik dan misterius, dia sangatlah spesial.

Hebe replied, Selina is a positive and optimistic person. She never keep any negative thoughts and emotions in her heart. This is the part where she influenced me. She made me think positively. Life is short. So we have to live more comfortable and happy life. As for Ella, she is generous; making me admire her as she is closer to other people compared to me. Besides that, she will take action on what she wants to do immediately without any delay.
Hebe menjawab, "Selina adalah orang yg optimis dan selalu berpikir positif. Dia tidak pernah menyimpan pikiran negatif dan emosi di hati. Inilah bagian dimana dia mempengaruhiku. Hidup itu pendek. Jadi kita harus hidup dengan lebih nyaman dan bahagia. Sementara Ella, dia sangat baik; membuatku mengaguminya karena dia lebih dekat dgn orang2. Selain itu, dia akan melakukan apa yg dia inginkan tanpa menunggu."

Love at first sight - Clashing opinions

Love is very important to a lot of girls. Although S.H.E is very busy with their work and lack of time to date, they still have high expectation in love.

Cinta sangatlah penting bagi banyak gadis. Meskipun S.H.E sangat sibuk dengan pekerjaan mereka dan kekurangan waktu untuk berpacaran, mereka tetap mempunyai harapan yg besar mengenai cinta.

According to Hebe, “Love is something created by the soul and heart of 2 person. I believe in love at first sight. I hope that my partner will at least have a thing I did worship for. He has to be talented, e.g. arts, music, creative, handsome, good personality, loving husband and father, etc.
However, this type of person is hard to find as he also need to be my love at first sight!”
Ella has a different opinion on love at first sight. In her opinion, “Love that involves only the appearance of both parties is unrealistic. Two 2 person must go though interaction in order to know whether there is any room to start a relationship. My boyfriend must be a loving and have his own opinion.”

Menurut Hebe, "Cinta adalah sesuatu yg tercipta dari jiwa dan hati 2 orang. Aku percaya cinta pada pandangan pertama. Aku berharap pasanganku akan mempunyai paling tidak 1 hal yg aku inginkan. Dia harus berbakat, misalkan dalam seni, music, kreatif, tampan, punya kepribadian yg bagus, suami dan ayah yg penuh cinta, dll. Akan tetapi, tipe orang spt ini sangatlah susah ditemukan, karena dia jg harus menjadi cinta pada pandangan pertamaku!"
Ella mempunyai pandangan yg berbeda mengenai cinta pada pandangan pertama. Menurutnya, "Cinta yg mengikutsertakan penampilan fisik dari pasangan adalah tidak realistis. 2 orang harus berinteraksi untuk mengetahui apakah ada ruang untuk memulai suatu hubungan. Pacarku harus orang yg penuh cinta dan mempunyai pendapatnya sendiri."

Selina also doesn’t believe in love at first sight. According to Selina, she hopes that her boyfriend is someone that understands her, mature, trustworthy and she must love him.
Selina juga tidak percaya akan cinta pada pandangan pertama. Menurut Selina, dia berharap pacarnya adalah seseorang yg mengerti dia, dewasa, bisa dipercaya, dan dia harus mencintainya.

Selina against the idea of getting married secretly

“Dating secretly and only announcing about marriage” is what most of the artist does. Selina and Ella would follow this trend but not Hebe. According to Hebe, she would date and get married secretly. However, this also depends on whether her partner agrees to it or not. Selina added, she will date secretly but she will definitely not get married secretly. When her partner proposed, she could happily shout “I’ve found the right one!!” Also, Selina thinks that if she announces her marriage in future, there would be a lot of kind sponsor who’s willing to sponsor her wedding.

"Dia2 berpacaran dan hanya mengumumkan ketika akan menikah" adalah apa yg biasa dilakukan para artis. Selina dan Ella akan mengikuti trend ini, tetapi tidak demikian dengan Hebe. Menurut Hebe, dia akan berpacaran dan menikah diam2. Akan tetapi, ini juga tergantung apakah pasangannya setuju atau tidak. Selina menambahkan, dia akan berpacaran diam2, tetapi dia pasti tidak akan menikah diam2. Ketika pasangannya melamar, dia akan berteriak dengan senang "Aku sudah menemukan orang yang tepat!!" Selina juga berpikir jika ia mengumumkan pernikahannya, pasti akan banyak sponsor yg bersedia mensponsori pernikahannya.

Family love is also very important

SHE thinks that love is less important than family love. This is because, family love is naturally born. Without family love, other forms of love would not even exist. Hebe also said that her dad is willing to die for her. Who else besides her dad would say that? As for Ella, the love bond between her younger brother and her is very strong and memorable. Because of work commitments, Ella has been separated with her younger brother when they were younger. One day, her brother came down to Taipei and asked her out for dinner. Her brother paid for the bill and said “Sister, do you know how long I waited for this meal?” On the other hand, Selina said that she was naughty when she was a kid. She had uncountable amount of toys at home but still want to buy more. Her dad would buy anything for her.

S.H.E beranggapan bahwa cinta tidak lebih penting daripada cinta keluarga. Hal ini disebabkan karena cinta dari keluarga adalah sesuatu yg terjadi secara alami. Tanpa cinta dari keluarga, bentuk cinta yg lain tidak akan ada. Hebe berkata bahwa ayahnya rela mati demi dia. Siapa lagi selain ayahnya yang akan berkata seperti itu? Bagi Ella, cinta antara dia dan adik laki2nya sangatlah kuat dan penting. Karena pekerjaan, Ella sudah dipisahkan dr adik laki2nya swkt mereka masih sgt muda. Suatu hari, adiknya datang ke Taipei dan mengajaknya makan malam. Adiknya membayar bon dan berkata, "Jie, tahukan kamu sudah brp lama aku menunggu makan malam spt ini?" Sementara itu, Selina berkata bahwa dia sangat nakal ketika kecil. Dia mempunyai boneka2 yg tak terhitung jumlahnya di rumah, tetapi masih ingin terus membeli yg baru. Ayahnya akan membelikan apapun untuknya.

Indonesian translation: starrynite @ S.H.E IFC

Last edited by iin_chen on Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Memorable date for SHE - 8th anniversary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Memorable date for SHE - 8th anniversary   Memorable date for SHE - 8th anniversary EmptySat Sep 26, 2009 12:18 pm

Hebe mau pacaran dan nikah diam2? Shocked

Quote :
“In our hearts, we only remember the good about each other. We’ve been together for 8 years; hence, if there is anything that we don’t like about each other, we wouldn’t have stayed together for so long. No one is perfect. Of course, we do have different opinions at times. However, in order to live together happily, we need to forgive and be considerate. Being able to stay together for so long is indeed a gift from God. We will treasure this!”

love this quote Smile
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Sheila Lin

Sheila Lin

Memorable date for SHE - 8th anniversary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Memorable date for SHE - 8th anniversary   Memorable date for SHE - 8th anniversary EmptySun Sep 27, 2009 2:55 am

starrynite wrote:

Quote :
“In our hearts, we only remember the good about each other. We’ve been together for 8 years; hence, if there is anything that we don’t like about each other, we wouldn’t have stayed together for so long. No one is perfect. Of course, we do have different opinions at times. However, in order to live together happily, we need to forgive and be considerate. Being able to stay together for so long is indeed a gift from God. We will treasure this!”

love this quote Smile
same... love this quote ^^
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Memorable date for SHE - 8th anniversary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Memorable date for SHE - 8th anniversary   Memorable date for SHE - 8th anniversary EmptySun Sep 27, 2009 12:43 pm

Sheila Lin wrote:
starrynite wrote:

Quote :
“In our hearts, we only remember the good about each other. We’ve been together for 8 years; hence, if there is anything that we don’t like about each other, we wouldn’t have stayed together for so long. No one is perfect. Of course, we do have different opinions at times. However, in order to live together happily, we need to forgive and be considerate. Being able to stay together for so long is indeed a gift from God. We will treasure this!”

love this quote Smile
same... love this quote ^^
Love this quote so much ^,^ ... thanks stell *hugs*
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Memorable date for SHE - 8th anniversary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Memorable date for SHE - 8th anniversary   Memorable date for SHE - 8th anniversary EmptyThu Oct 08, 2009 4:03 pm

jahhhh baru mau nge quote... udah di quote... iyaaa aku juga sukaa yang itu.... aduuhh mereka begitu saling menyayangii,, gak pernah bisa ngebayangin kalo suatu saat mereka musuhan dahhh.... jangan sampe jangan sampe...
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Memorable date for SHE - 8th anniversary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Memorable date for SHE - 8th anniversary   Memorable date for SHE - 8th anniversary EmptyWed Oct 14, 2009 11:11 pm

Ayah Hebe mati demi Hebe???
Masa? Dlm kejadian apa?
Kok aku ga tau?
Apa ada news-a gt?
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Memorable date for SHE - 8th anniversary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Memorable date for SHE - 8th anniversary   Memorable date for SHE - 8th anniversary EmptyWed Oct 14, 2009 11:25 pm

Sailor_yosshe wrote:
Ayah Hebe mati demi Hebe???
Masa? Dlm kejadian apa?
Kok aku ga tau?
Apa ada news-a gt?

ngga, itu cm perumpamaan doang.. hebe ngmg gt untuk melambangkan, mana ada cinta yg lebih besar drpd cinta diantara keluarga, sampai2 papanya rela mati untuk dia..

tian ba baik2 saja kok.. hahaha
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Memorable date for SHE - 8th anniversary Empty
PostSubject: Re: Memorable date for SHE - 8th anniversary   Memorable date for SHE - 8th anniversary EmptyTue Oct 20, 2009 11:18 am

hiakakakakaka..... yosshe yosshe... masa di sangka beneran??? wong kemraren kemaren tian ba masi kumpul sama keluarga S. E yang laenn wkwkwkwkw....
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