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 3rd World Tour Concert

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Sheila Lin
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PostSubject: 3rd World Tour Concert   3rd World Tour Concert EmptyTue Aug 25, 2009 11:20 pm

3rd World Tour Concert 4b5eb610
SHE Announces Launch of World Tour in October in Hong Kong

Chinese music scene’s most successful female group – SHE was formed on 11 September 2001, and the trio rose to fame over the past 8 years together. Their 3rd series of world tour concerts will begin its run starting from October. Since their 2004 dreamland theme concert - [Fantasy Land] and 2006 fairytale theme concert – [Perfect 3], this 3rd series of world tour concerts will be different from the past by employing high-technology and modern visual effects to reflect the changes and maturity of the trio over the past few years. The 1st stop for this new theme concert will be in Hong Kong Hung Hom Stadium on 16 and 17 October. And on 31 October, which happens to be Selina’s birthday, the trio will perform in Shanghai’s stadium, which can accommodate 80,000 audiences.
Group cewek paling popular di dunia musik mandarin - S.H.E, terbentuk tgl 11 September 2001, dan popularitas trio ini terus meningkat selama 8 tahun kebersamaan mereka. World Tour Concert mereka yg ketiga akan dimulai bulan Oktober. Sejak konser tahun 2004 yg bertemakan dunia fantasi - [Qi Huan Le Yuan] dan konser tahun 2006 yg bertemakan negeri dongeng - [Yi Dong Cheng Bao], seri ketiga world tour concert mereka akan berbeda dengan konser2 sebelumnya, dengan menggunakan berbagai teknologi tinggi dan effect visual modern untuk menunjukkan perubahan dan kedewasaan ketiga gadis ini selama beberapa tahun belakangan. Pemberhentian pertama konser ini adalah di HongKong Colloseum pada tanggal 16 dan 17 October. Dan pada tgl 31 October, yg juga merupakan hari ulang tahun Selina, trio ini juga akan tampil di ShangHai Stadium, dengan kapasitas penonton 80,000 orang.

After brainstorming with SHE and their recording company, the production team decided to name this 3rd series of world tour concert as [S.H.E Is The One, Love As One]. In conjunction with their new pictorial memoir – [3 Spas of Love], the world tour will also be emphasizing on “Love”, as “Love As One” is what the trio is about. As SHE gradually transforms into matured fair ladies, we wonder if they would also reveal their opinions of love too. In response, Selina clarified on the theme for the concert, “To be a female group together for 8 years; to be able to organize 3 series of world tour concerts; shan’t this be considered record breaking?! The 3 of us could come so far together is only because there is ‘Love’~’ Meanwhile Ella added, “With just the love from the 3 of us might not have been sufficient. In fact, we have our fans to thank for too. It is the ‘Love As One’ between our fans and us, that makes this 3rd series of world tour concerts possible.”
Setelah berdiskusi dengan S.H.E dan perusahaan rekaman, tim produksi memutuskan untuk menamakan rangkaian world tour concert ketiga ini sebagai [S.H.E Is The One, Love As One]. Berkaitan dgn pictorial book terbaru mereka [Ai De 3 Wen Nuan], konser ini juga akan bertemakan "cinta", karena "Love As One" juga melambangkan hubungan trio ini. Dengan S.H.E yg semakin bertambah dewasa, kami mengira2 apakah mereka juga akan mengungkapkan pandangan mereka tentang cinta. Selina menanggapi dan mengklarifikasi mengenai tema konser ini, "Untuk menjadi group cewek selama 8 tahun; untuk bisa mempunyai 3 seri konser tour keliling; bukankah ini bisa dianggap sebagai pemecah rekor?! Kami bertiga bisa berjalan sejauh ini hanya karena ada "cinta." Sementara Ella menambahkan, "Hanya dengan cinta dari kami bertiga saja itu tidak cukup. Sebenarnya, kami juga berterimakasih kepada para fans. Karena "Love As One" diantara kami dan para fans, membuat konser ini bisa terjadi."

SHE’s abstract concept of ‘Love’ for their concert will cost millions in production fees to build the world’s first “gravity defying floating stage”; the live band will be “suspended” in mid-air to play their music, while the stage and its LED lights will be presented in an orbit form. This is a revolutionary change from the usual four-sided frame for concert stage concept, and would showcase unlimited feel of space, to fully convey the message of love without boundaries. This will also bring out SHE’s concept of unlimited imagination and infinite energy.
Konser S.H.E yg bertema "cinta" ini akan memakan biaya produksi jutaan NTD untuk membangun "gravity defying floating stage" pertama di dunia; live band yg mendampingi S.H.E akan "melayang" di udara untuk memainkan music mereka, sementara panggung dan lampu2nya akan disusun membentuk orbit. Ini adalah perubahan besar dari panggung 4 sisi yg biasa digunakan di konser2, dan akan memberikan kesan "ruang yg tak terbatas", untuk menyampaikan pesan "cinta tanpa batas" secara maksimal. Konsep ini jg akan menampilkan S.H.E yg mempunyai imajinasi dan energy yg tidak terbatas.

Famous stylist Thomas Chan, who has styled for Heavenly Queens like Faye Wong and Sammi Cheng, is engaged to customize the styling for the trio. Given his fame and works, the budget for costumes and styling is estimated to be hefty but the trio’s recording company exclaimed that it is money well-spent! The first tech-simulated style which showcases [Star, Moon, Sun] has already grabbed everyone’s attention! The stylist specially chose high-tech flexible metal foil textured fabric and layered it repeatedly to create an exquisite sculptured feel for the costumes to bring out the element the resembled the Sun, Star and Moon; which also matched SHE’s superstar charisma over the years. As the costumes are too stunning, Hebe could not bear to take it off after the photo shoot and claimed she wanted to wear it home. The stylist explained that he used the elements of Star, Moon and Sun, which represented the trio’s personality to enhance the visual impact. Acclaimed by many as “The Little Sun”, Ella exudes confidence and passion in the radiant and dazzling outfit of the Sun. With her disposition of gentleness and sweetness, Selina represented the Moon and the stylist also added orbits to her costume to reflect the changes in the moon. Meanwhile Hebe will don the Star costume, which resembled wisdom and brightness, and the stylist added repetitive textured look on the star-cast costume. A contrast to the formerly adorable style, SHE will showcase a more matured side of them to give fans a new feel.
Stylist terkenal Thomas Chan, yg juga adalah stylist diva2 terkenal seperti Faye Wong dan Sammi Cheng, akan menangani style trio ini. Dengan popularitas dan kualitas kerjanya, sudah bisa dipastikan bahwa kostum dan make up ketiga gadis ini akan memakan biaya besar, tetapi perusahaan rekaman menyatakan bahwa harga itu benar2 pantas dibayar untuk hasilnya! Kostum pertama yg menggunakan teknologi tinggi, yg melambangkan [Bintang, Bulan, dan Matahari] sudah menaril perhatian byk org! Sang stylist sengaja memilih bahan berlapis metal yg fleksibel dan merancang sedemikian rupa sehingga kostum2 itu menimbulkan kesan seperti Matahari, Bintang, dan Bulan; yg juga sesuai dengan karisma superstar S.H.E. Karena kostum itu terlalu mempesona, Hebe tidak mau melepaskannya sesudah pemotretan selesai dan berkata kalau dia mau memakai kostum itu di rumah. Stylist menjelaskan bahwa ia menggunakan elemen matahari, bulan, dan bintang yg melambangkan kepribadian trio ini. Ella yg dijuluki "Matahari Kecil" oleh para fans, menampilkan kesan percaya diri dengan kostum matahari nya. Dengan sifatnya yg lembut dan manis, Selina melambangkan bulan, dan penata gaya jg menambahkan orbit di sekeliling kostumnya. Sementara itu, Hebe mengenakan kostum bintang, yg melambangkan kebijaksanaan dan cermelang. Berlawanan dengan style2 terdahulu yg berkesan "imut", S.H.E akan menampilkan sisi dewasa mereka untuk memberikan kesan baru kepada fans.

Donned in their Star, Moon and Sun armours for the photo shoot, SHE has to keep a safe distance away from each other and were unable to hug each other, as requested by the photographer to show the ‘Love’ theme of the concert. It turned out that the special metal foil armours would end up scratching and pricking each other should they go near. With the “rays” from Ella, the “orbits” around Selina, and the “sparkles” on Hebe, the trio could only keep a safe distance from each other during photo shoot. Hebe added, “We feel like hedgehogs and would prick anyone who approaches.” Selina joked, “This must be a deliberate plan from the crew members to disallow us to near each other and whisper secrets.”
Dengan kostum Bintang, Bulan, dan Matahari mereka untuk sesi pemotretan, S.H.E harus menjaga jarak dari satu sama lain dan tidak dapat saling memeluk, seperti yg diminta oleh fotografer untuk menampilkan kesan "cinta" seperti tema konser ini. Ternyata lapisan metal di kostum mereka akan menggores dan menusuk satu sama lain jika mereka saling mendekat. Dengan "cahaya" dari Ella, "orbit" di sekeliling Selina, dan "sinar" dari Hebe, ketiganya hanya bisa saling menjaga jarak. Hebe menambahkan, "Kami merasa seperti landak yg akan menusuk siapapun yg mendekati kami." Selina bercanda, "Ini pasti sudah rencana dari para crew untuk melarang kami mendekati satu sama lain dan berbagi rahasia."

In response to everybody’s curiosity on the programme line-ups for their world tour – [S.H.E Is The One, Love As One], the trio refused to let the cat out of the bag, “We could only say we are going all out for it, fully dedicating our lives!” Currently already busy with rehearsals and building up on their stamina, the trio let slip on a teaser, “Since the formation of our group, all the classic songs – regardless fast or sentimental numbers, will undergo new musical rearrangement, along with the dance steps. Thus, we are now learning new dance moves and our costumes will be totally different from the past.” This new series of world tour will cost millions in production fees, costumes and stage designs etc in order to the spread the unlimited love – for the world, for family, for each other, for friends and fans.

Menanggapi rasa penasaran orang2 tentang konser mereka [S.H.E Is The One, Love Ads One], ketiga gadis ini menolak membocorkan rahasia, "Kami hanya bisa berkata bahwa kami akan berusaha semaksimal mungkin, mempertaruhkan hidup kami!" Saat ini mereka sudah sibuk latihan dan membangun stamina, ketiganya membocorkan 1 rahasia, "Sejak terbentuknya grup kami, semua lagu2 klasik - lagu2 cepat dan lambat, semua akan diaransemen ulang musiknya, juga tariannya. Karena itu, sekarang kami sedang mempelajari tarian yg baru dan kostum2 kami akan sangat berbeda dengan sebelumnya." Rangkaian konser terbaru ini akan memakan biaya jutaan NTD untuk produksi, kostum, desain panggung, dll untuk menyampaikan cinta yg tak terbatas kepada dunia, keluarga, satu sama lain, teman2, dan fans.

Indonesian translation: starrynite @ S.H.E IFC

Konsepnya Zero Gravity, mereka bakal melayang2 di udara bersama bandnya.
Desainnya modern futuristik. Kali ini mereka akan bertransformasi menjadi lebih dewasa / mature berbeda dengan konser2 sebelumnya.
Konser ini dimulai 16-17 Okt di Hongkong dan di Shang Hai pas ultahnya Selina yang bisa menampung 80 rb orang Shocked . Desain busana oleh Thomas Chan yang pernah desain punya Faye dan Sammy . Mereka disimbolkan sebagai Sun - Ella, Moon - Selina dan Star - Hebe, mewakili karakter mereka masing2. Busana yang mereka pakai saat photoshoot membuat mereka tidak bisa saling memeluk dan seperti landak. hehehe Very Happy Selina berkata \"itu rencana staff biar mereka gak bisa berdekatan satu sama lain dan saling membisikkan rahasia \" Very Happy

Katanya lagu-lagu lama juga bakal di arransemen ulang beserta koreografi nya .. wah pasti mereka sibuk banget latihan terus
S.H.E jiayou cheers

Last edited by iin_chen on Wed Aug 26, 2009 9:34 pm; edited 2 times in total
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3rd World Tour Concert Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd World Tour Concert   3rd World Tour Concert EmptyWed Aug 26, 2009 12:29 am

wew..pas ultah gue mantap bener...hidup SHE
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3rd World Tour Concert Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd World Tour Concert   3rd World Tour Concert EmptyWed Aug 26, 2009 6:22 am

wah... konser ni kali kykx keren banget... lol!
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3rd World Tour Concert Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd World Tour Concert   3rd World Tour Concert EmptyWed Aug 26, 2009 12:40 pm

wew keren bngt .. coba aj kmrn di indo jg gt, Sad
tp apa mgkn,, secara yg nntn di indo aj dikit ,, Neutral ..
jia you SHE
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Sheila Lin

Sheila Lin

3rd World Tour Concert Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd World Tour Concert   3rd World Tour Concert EmptyWed Aug 26, 2009 2:44 pm

iin_chen wrote:
Dengan desain panggung yang berkonsep Zero Gravity , anggota Band akan dibuat melayang di udara.
kayaknya bakal keren nih aksi panggungnya... jia you S.H.E !!! 3rd World Tour Concert Cheers-1
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3rd World Tour Concert Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd World Tour Concert   3rd World Tour Concert EmptyWed Aug 26, 2009 9:13 pm

iy nih bkal keren konsernya.... Surprised
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3rd World Tour Concert Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd World Tour Concert   3rd World Tour Concert EmptyWed Aug 26, 2009 9:57 pm

3rd World Tour Concert 6409_1096105289489_1432309936_30231073_4126114_n
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3rd World Tour Concert Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd World Tour Concert   3rd World Tour Concert EmptyWed Aug 26, 2009 10:48 pm

kereeeennn... mau nontooonn... semoga yg dijadiin dvd yg di shanghai.. keren bgt 80,000 org trus pas bday Selina pula...
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3rd World Tour Concert Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd World Tour Concert   3rd World Tour Concert EmptyWed Aug 26, 2009 10:54 pm

Setuju stell !! semoga yang shanghai yang di DVD kan , soalnya stadionnya kan keren tuh
Hmmm.. gak ditranslate ? Very Happy *ngerayu mode on* biar yang lain bisa baca juga
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3rd World Tour Concert Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd World Tour Concert   3rd World Tour Concert EmptyWed Aug 26, 2009 11:04 pm

menyusul in.. tg ada wkt.. hehehe
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3rd World Tour Concert Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd World Tour Concert   3rd World Tour Concert EmptyThu Aug 27, 2009 7:56 am

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3rd World Tour Concert Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd World Tour Concert   3rd World Tour Concert EmptyFri Aug 28, 2009 11:45 am

jia you trus s.h.e!!!!!!!!
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3rd World Tour Concert Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd World Tour Concert   3rd World Tour Concert EmptySun Aug 30, 2009 3:46 pm

konser nya hanya di 2 tempat aja ya.. Hongkong sm Shanghai
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Sheila Lin

Sheila Lin

3rd World Tour Concert Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd World Tour Concert   3rd World Tour Concert EmptySun Aug 30, 2009 11:43 pm

davided wrote:
konser nya hanya di 2 tempat aja ya.. Hongkong sm Shanghai
kayaknya ngga deh.. kalo world tour kan sampe sing n malay juga..
mungkin yang baru kluar jadwalnya baru HK n shanghai..
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3rd World Tour Concert Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd World Tour Concert   3rd World Tour Concert EmptyMon Aug 31, 2009 9:44 am

world tour knp indo ga kna yh???
pgn s.h.e konser lg di indo...
kecewa ma yg taun lalu...
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3rd World Tour Concert Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd World Tour Concert   3rd World Tour Concert EmptyTue Sep 01, 2009 2:13 am

ow...harap2 aj indo jg ad kali ini....
alo ga d indo, d sg stidaknya...gw dkung world touur concert d sg....hehehe

@sheila:gw bru nyadar sheil...avatar lu ud poster bwt concertnya aj nech...hahaha
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3rd World Tour Concert Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd World Tour Concert   3rd World Tour Concert EmptyTue Sep 01, 2009 3:19 pm

world tourny dmlainy kpn??
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Sheila Lin

Sheila Lin

3rd World Tour Concert Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd World Tour Concert   3rd World Tour Concert EmptyTue Sep 01, 2009 5:55 pm

diezconnected wrote:
world tourny dmlainy kpn??
The 1st stop for this new theme concert will be in Hong Kong Hung Hom Stadium on 16 and 17 October
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3rd World Tour Concert Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd World Tour Concert   3rd World Tour Concert EmptyFri Sep 04, 2009 7:50 am

kalo konser tur kyak gini, harga tiketnya berapaan y??
hehe, ada yg pnh ntn ga??? Very Happy
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3rd World Tour Concert Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd World Tour Concert   3rd World Tour Concert EmptyFri Sep 04, 2009 9:16 pm

3rd World Tour Concert Fullsize
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3rd World Tour Concert Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd World Tour Concert   3rd World Tour Concert EmptySun Sep 06, 2009 9:25 pm

uda ditranslate news nya Very Happy
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3rd World Tour Concert Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd World Tour Concert   3rd World Tour Concert EmptyMon Sep 07, 2009 11:34 am

thanx starrynite... Very Happy
km jago banget... cheers
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Sheila Lin

Sheila Lin

3rd World Tour Concert Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd World Tour Concert   3rd World Tour Concert EmptyTue Sep 08, 2009 12:52 am

thx ud terjemahin, stell... Wink
ga sabar nungguin konser nya ^^
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3rd World Tour Concert Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd World Tour Concert   3rd World Tour Concert EmptyTue Sep 08, 2009 12:45 pm

harganya tergantung tempat??? berkisaran 450-800 ribu rupiah itu duduknya liat mrk dari tv...kalo yg langsung berkisara 1,2 juta sampe 2,5 juta...itu untuk kelas 1 sampe vvip kalo yg di hk blm bisa beli kalo bukan fans club..kalo gue udah dpt tiket nya dari temen bokap gue yg kerja disana....vvip...haha
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3rd World Tour Concert Empty
PostSubject: Re: 3rd World Tour Concert   3rd World Tour Concert EmptyTue Sep 08, 2009 2:31 pm

Enk ny dirimu steve bisa nntn,, cheers
pengen.. Razz
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